For Home and Country

Who we are

For over 125 years women in Ontario have come together under the Women’s Institute umbrella to learn skills, share expertise, celebrate accomplishments, and work for change to make families and communities safer. If you’d like to help organize a local art exhibit, a garden tour, or a chocolate, coffee or wine tasting, we do those things. We also manage craft shows and baking competitions at the local fair. Our fundraising has contributed to hospitals, schools, and volunteer fire departments. We promote lifelong learning through our ROSE program, and we fund scholarships. There is a place for you!

Land Acknowledgement

There are 46 treaties covering the area we now call Ontario. We are thankful to be able to live and work in these territories. We are thankful to the First Nations, Métis and Inuit people who have cared for these lands and continue to share their expertise and wisdom with people and communities across the province.

What's Happening

WI’s Ripples of Change initiative is recommending small local changes to make life a little easier for people with disabilities. This month is all about Canada Post.

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Meetings to increase awareness of Sex Trafficking in Ontario were being planned for autumn 2023. Stay Tuned for more information

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WI members across Canada are making plans to attend the WI Canada national convention in Nova Scotia in September 2024 and the ACWW worldwide convention in Ottawa in 2026. Watch this space for updates!

Go Back in Time

Our digital archive is visited by historians, genealogists and researchers around the world. Our Tweedsmuir history books document daily life, noteworthy events and special occasions in communities across Ontario. There are newspaper clippings, biographies, programs and photos. They are a rich source of information and inspiration.

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