For Home and Country


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Our Digital Collections

As of March 31, 2016 there is now an online platform to allow WI Members and the public to access the many documents the Women’s Institutes (WI) have created across the province since 1897, while the original documents remain within their communities.

At this point in time, the following documents are available for viewing and searching.  More will be released on an ongoing basis, after they are reviewed for privacy considerations.

  1. The complete series of the FWIO newsletter, The Home & Country, from 1933 to present.
  2. The WI original constitution, penned in 1897.
  3. Award-winning Tweedsmuir Community History Collections, from many Branches, which document the history of a community. (Private information has been removed.)
  4. Three published books on the history of the WI, for our 40th, 50th, and 75th anniversaries.
  5. Minute and record books for a number of Branches, including the minutes of Stoney Creek, the first WI Branch in the world. (Documents less than 50 years old are not available due to privacy considerations.)
  6. Photos of halls, monuments, cairns, etc. created by WI Members over the years with many more to come.
  7. Other miscellaneous documents, such as cookbooks and a photo album on a Stone Fence Project.

Check out this virtual archives and learn about the rich communities in Ontario, conduct family research, and discover the wonderful work that has been created by WI Members.  This project is far from over as we continue to review and open books to the public. Plans are to apply for further grants to continue digitizing.  We also encourage the public to donate to this worthwhile project.